CALL FOR PAPERS - Governance of Technology in Smart Cities. Deadline 30 April 2021. #smartcities #technology #governance #infrastructure
Read MoreCALL FOR PAPERS - Governance strategies and insights to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies
CALL FOR PAPERS - Governance strategies and insights to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies
Convenors: Gregory Trencher, Araz Taeihagh, Andrew Chapman, Tohoku University, National University of Singapore, and International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy
As the energy transition to a post-carbon society gathers pace, renewable energy, batteries, and battery electric vehicles are rapidly diffusing while improving considerably in cost and performance. Thus, for many, hydrogen has slipped from the field of attention. Yet hydrogen and fuel-cells can play (and are already playing) an important role in accelerating the electrification and decarbonisation of transport, industry, and households. This is especially so for long-range or heavy-duty vehicles, long-term and long-distance energy storage, and difficult to decarbonise sectors like steel, chemicals, and heat production.
With hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies rapidly developing and diffusing around the world, it is time to take stock of this situation and consider:
What governance strategies are being used to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies?
How are countries or regions using hydrogen and fuel-cells to accelerate the decarbonisation of transport (e.g. road and maritime) in particular, but also industry and households?
How are countries or regions using hydrogen and fuel-cells to support the upscaling of renewable energies?
What trends and planning insights can help us to understand how hydrogen and fuel-cells can help accelerate the transition to a post-carbon world?
The Call for Papers is open to all disciplines, approaches and perspectives and we welcome theoretical and empirical papers using diverse qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches to the topics listed above as well as upon other relevant issues related to the subject.
We invite colleagues to submit your manuscript to the journal no later than January 10, 2021. More info at
Keywords: Hydrogen, Fuel cells, Policy, Governance, Diffusion, Infrastructure, Vehicles, Decarbonization, Energy storage and transmission, Energy Vector