CALL FOR PAPERS - Workshop and Special Section Articles in Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Mapping the breath of Smart City Governance post-Covid-19: Critical Reflections on the Long-Term Impact of Digitalisation on Our Lives

Workshop and Special Section Articles in Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Convenors: Araz Taeihagh and Martin de Jong

National University of Singapore and Erasmus University Rotterdam

Workshop and Special Section Organisers

Araz Taeihagh, Email, Website1 Website2 
Policy Systems Group, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Centre for Trusted Internet and Community, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Interests: governance of technology; transport policy; technology policy; public policy; socio-technical systems; policy design, analysis, and analytics; sustainable development; smart cities, energy, and environment, policy learning and transfer; risk

Martin De Jong, EmailWebsite 
Erasmus Initiative for Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity (DoIP), Rotterdam School of Management & Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai
Interests: inclusive urban development; city branding; inclusive capitalism; corporate governance; public governance; policy transfer


Workshop and Special Section Focus

Over the past decade, the concept of “Smart City” with an emphasis on economic development, use of ICT and provision of engineering solutions has skyrocketed [1-5]. Amidst the increased competition among cities for businesses and talent, regardless of city-size, state of development, or socio-cultural context, local and national governments worldwide have launched Smart City initiatives. These initiatives often are driven by a focus on smart infrastructure provision through the use of connected devices and sensors for data collection, transmission through the internet, and the use of data mining and artificial intelligence to allow for better decision making and interaction among the devices in domains such as transportation, electricity distribution, health, and community development [6-10].

Scholars have argued that this strong emphasis on connectivity as the main source of growth in smart cities is shifting the focus away from traditional environmental concerns of the predecessor “sustainable city” concept towards more focus on infrastructure and use of information to increase economic efficiency, raising concerns over neglecting social and environmental issues [11-13].

A key consideration should be the understanding of the impact of rapid adoption of various digital technologies under the smart city umbrella on the society as a whole and finding ways to address their risks and unintended consequences, which can cause safety, liability, privacy, security, environmental, discrimination, and social inclusion concerns among others [14-20]. Moreover, with the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, smart cities and digitalisation are seen as a means to increase emergency preparedness and emergency responses to the virus, which has resulted in the more rapid adoption of digitalisation and further highlights the importance of the study of the issues at hand [21-23]. Since the onset of this health crisis and its socio-economic consequences have made it clear that its impact will not fade any time soon, it is a serious possibility that COVID-19 and its successors will have a lasting impact on our society and daily operations, and these will be intimately and permanently interwoven with digitisation and smart governance. 

What are the long-term effects of the rapid and extensive adoption of digitisation in smart cities? Whereas a previous Special Issue in Technological Forecasting and Social Change published in May 2019 ‘Understanding Smart Cities: Innovation ecosystems, technological advancements, and societal challenges’ appeared before the outbreak of the epidemic and highlighted issues such as the contribution smart technologies could make to sustainable urban development, boosting local innovation climates and accommodating active urbanite citizenship, the air of the times anno 2022 appears to have changed significantly. 

Globally both the application of and scepticism (if not outright fear among some) towards smart technologies digesting massive amounts of data to guide, regulate, and move people in directions desired by public authorities and private sector giants have increased. What have the experiences so far been with various relevant technologies deployed? How can and should various relevant technologies be trusted and used responsibly? What policies, regulations, legislation, standards, certificates, and auditing mechanisms can and should be developed to benefit from smart city developments while protecting the citizens and negating legitimate concerns over risks and unintended consequences of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, internet of things, platforms, virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchains, 3D printing and smart health solutions to name but a few? How has COVID-19 changed plans for the adoption and long-term rolling out of these technologies? How concerned should we be about the ‘dark sides’ of smart cities when it comes to the behavioural opportunities urbanites are left within the face of large organisations armed with high-power technologies? Do they become smart citizens, or are they outsmarted by forces beyond their control? Can we distinguish between different societal groups in the way they are able to participate or excluded from using smart technologies? 

In this workshop and limited special section articles, building on the previous TFSC special issue on Smart Cities in 2019, we will examine broader impacts of smart cities post COVID-19. We will explore issues such as risks and unintended consequences, stakeholder impacts, changes to spatial planning because of COVID-19, as well as the dark side of smart cities, which can stem from the increasing power of tech giants and their impact on urban governance, surveillance capitalism, and differentiated participation or exclusion of various societal groups in smart cities and their inclusiveness). In this Special Collection, we invite scholars to contribute articles that examine the long-term impact of digitisation on smart city governance in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak and explore the practical and normative aspects that local and national governments should address when dealing with it, as well as exploring the dark side of the smart cities. Key issues to be covered in the workshop include:

  • The broader risks and impacts of rapid adoption of emerging and/or disruptive technologies in smart cities, such as critical examination of the hypes, realities and impacts of the adoption of AI and Big Data on civil liberties and inclusiveness.

  • The opportunities and challenges underlying smart city development and the role of the different levels of the government and broader epistemic community in adopting various technologies as part of smart cities (e.g. through knowledge transfer, policy mobility and learning).

  • The impact of digitisation and Smart City development on various aspects of inclusive urban development and challenges governments face when ensuring access to digital technologies among vulnerable and uninitiated groups

  • The increased role of tech companies in Smart city development and the consequences of their increased influence over policy and regulatory development

  • The existence of various business models for governing smart city development and their relative impact on the inclusiveness of public governance and services in terms of democracy, equity and diversity

  • The appropriateness of different regulatory and governance approaches to address the risks of various technologies deployed in smart city initiatives

  • The role of emerging tools and initiatives in the governance of smart cities and their impact on aspects of broad societal inclusion (living labs, digital tools, regulatory sandboxes, integrated development plans)

  • The role of policy design and handling of capability and capacity challenges in ensuring the quality and sustainability of smart city initiatives

It is these questions that the workshop and a collection of articles in the special section of  Technological Forecasting and Social Change aims to address. Araz Taeihagh (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, and Centre for Trusted Internet and Community, National University of Singapore) and Martin de Jong (Rotterdam School of Management and Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam) invite their peers worldwide to contribute high-quality articles on these pertinent topics for the workshop and selection of a limited number of articles for the special section of TFSC. 

Araz Taeihagh
Martin de Jong
Guest Editors



·       Artificial Intelligence

·       Autonomous systems

·       Big Data

·       Built environment

·       COVID-19

·       Digital inclusion

·       Governance of technology

·       Inclusion and inclusive development

·       Infrastructure systems

·       Intelligent systems

·       Internet of Things

·       Machine Learning

·       Policy capacity

·       Policy design

·       Policy learning, mobility and transfer

·       Risk Governance

·       Regulation and governance

·       Restriction of behavioural options

  • Smart City

  • Surveillance capitalism

Important dates for the workshop participation and special section selection process:

  • Expression of interest (extended abstract and outline, approximately 2000 words): 15 May 2022

  • Notification of shortlisted abstracts for full submission to workshop presentation: 15 June 2022

  • Submission of the full draft: 15 Oct 2022

  • Hybrid Workshop for full submissions: Mid-Nov 2020

  • Notification of selected presentations/draft for SI: Mid-Dec 2022

  • Submission of the revised papers to the SI editors post-workshop: Late Jan 2023

  • The internal review process by the SI editors: On a rolling basis from Jan 2023

  • Submission to the collection to the journal after approval by SI editors: April 2023

  • Accepted papers will be published online immediately once accepted.


Submission Guidelines:

Kindly submit the extended abstract and outline to by 15 May 2022 with the subject line [TFSC Extended Abstract]

Papers shortlisted for the workshop will be notified by 15 June 2022.

 Final paper submissions should follow the general author guidelines of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, which are available at .


[1]       De Jong M, Joss S, Schraven D, Zhan C, Weijnen M. Sustainable–smart–resilient–low carbon–eco–knowledge cities; making sense of a multitude of concepts promoting sustainable urbanisation. Journal of Cleaner production 2015;109:25-38.

[2]       Fu Y, Zhang X. Trajectory of urban sustainability concepts: A 35-year bibliometric analysis. Cities 2017;60:113-23.

[3]       Mora L, Deakin M, Zhang X, Batty M, de Jong M, Santi P, et al. Assembling sustainable smart city transitions: An interdisciplinary theoretical perspective. Taylor & Francis; 2021.

[4]       Noori N, Hoppe T, de Jong M. Classifying pathways for smart city development: comparing design, governance and implementation in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. Sustainability 2020;12(10):4030.

[5]       Schraven D, Joss S, De Jong M. Past, present, future: Engagement with sustainable urban development through 35 city labels in the scientific literature 1990–2019. Journal of Cleaner production 2021;292:125924.

[6]       Tan SY, Taeihagh A. Smart City Governance in Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2020;12(3):899.

[7]       Allam Z, Dhunny ZA. On big data, artificial intelligence and smart cities. Cities 2019;89:80-91.

[8]       Angelidou M. Smart cities: A conjuncture of four forces. Cities 2015;47:95-106.

[9]       Bifulco F, Tregua M, Amitrano CC, D’Auria A. ICT and sustainability in smart cities management. International Journal of Public Sector Management 2016;29(2):132-47.

[10]     Chong M, Habib A, Evangelopoulos N, Park HW. Dynamic capabilities of a smart city: An innovative approach to discovering urban problems and solutions. Government Information Quarterly 2018;35(4):682-92.

[11]     Allam Z. Contextualising the smart city for sustainability and inclusivity. New Design Ideas 2018;2(2):124-7.

[12]     Kummitha RKR, Crutzen N. How do we understand smart cities? An evolutionary perspective. Cities 2017;67:43-52.

[13]     Wiig A. The empty rhetoric of the smart city: from digital inclusion to economic promotion in Philadelphia. Urban Geography 2016;37(4):535-53.

[14]     Taeihagh A, Ramesh M, Howlett M. Assessing the regulatory challenges of emerging disruptive technologies. Regulation & Governance 2021.

[15]     Lim HSM, Taeihagh A. Algorithmic decision-making in AVs: Understanding ethical and technical concerns for smart cities. Sustainability 2019;11(20):5791.

[16]     Lee JY, Woods O, Kong L. Towards more inclusive smart cities: Reconciling the divergent realities of data and discourse at the margins. Geography Compass 2020;14(9).

[17]     Taeihagh A. Governance of artificial intelligence. Policy and Society 2021:1-21.

[18]     Tan SY, Taeihagh A. Adaptive governance of autonomous vehicles: Accelerating the adoption of disruptive technologies in Singapore. Government Information Quarterly 2021;38(2):101546.

[19]     Taeihagh A, Lim HSM. Governing autonomous vehicles: emerging responses for safety, liability, privacy, cybersecurity, and industry risks. Transport Reviews 2019;39(1):103-28.

[20]     Tan SY, Taeihagh A, Tripathi A. Tensions and antagonistic interactions of risks and ethics of using robotics and autonomous systems in long-term care. Technological forecasting and social change 2021;167:120686.

[21]     Sharifi A, Khavarian-Garmsir AR, Kummitha RKR. Contributions of Smart City Solutions and Technologies to Resilience against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review. Sustainability 2021;13(14):8018.

[22]     Das D, Zhang J. Pandemic in a smart city: Singapore’s COVID-19 management through technology & society. Urban Geography 2021;42(3):408-16.

[23]     Allam Z, Jones DS. Future (post-COVID) digital, smart and sustainable cities in the wake of 6G: Digital twins, immersive realities and new urban economies. Land Use Policy 2021;101.

CALL FOR PAPERS - Governance strategies and insights to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies

CALL FOR PAPERS - Governance strategies and insights to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies

Convenors: Gregory Trencher, Araz Taeihagh, Andrew Chapman, Tohoku University, National University of Singapore, and International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy

As the energy transition to a post-carbon society gathers pace, renewable energy, batteries, and battery electric vehicles are rapidly diffusing while improving considerably in cost and performance. Thus, for many, hydrogen has slipped from the field of attention. Yet hydrogen and fuel-cells can play (and are already playing) an important role in accelerating the electrification and decarbonisation of transport, industry, and households. This is especially so for long-range or heavy-duty vehicles, long-term and long-distance energy storage, and difficult to decarbonise sectors like steel, chemicals, and heat production.

With hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies rapidly developing and diffusing around the world, it is time to take stock of this situation and consider:

  • What governance strategies are being used to accelerate the production and diffusion of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies?

  • How are countries or regions using hydrogen and fuel-cells to accelerate the decarbonisation of transport (e.g. road and maritime) in particular, but also industry and households?

  • How are countries or regions using hydrogen and fuel-cells to support the upscaling of renewable energies?

  • What trends and planning insights can help us to understand how hydrogen and fuel-cells can help accelerate the transition to a post-carbon world?

The Call for Papers is open to all disciplines, approaches and perspectives and we welcome theoretical and empirical papers using diverse qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches to the topics listed above as well as upon other relevant issues related to the subject.

We invite colleagues to submit your manuscript to the journal no later than January 10, 2021. More info at

Keywords: Hydrogen, Fuel cells, Policy, Governance, Diffusion, Infrastructure, Vehicles, Decarbonization, Energy storage and transmission, Energy Vector

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CALL FOR PAPERS - ICPP 2019 T02P14 - IT-Mediated Platforms and the Public Sector: Applications of Sharing Economy, Blockchains and Crowdsourcing

CALL FOR PAPERS - ICPP 2019 T02P14 - IT-Mediated Platforms and the Public Sector: Applications of Sharing Economy, Blockchains and Crowdsourcing




T02P14 - IT-Mediated Platforms and the Public Sector: Applications of Sharing Economy, Blockchains and Crowdsourcing

Panel Chair: Araz Taeihagh, NUS  


Abstract submission deadline: 30 January 2019

Platforms significantly increase the ease of interactions and transactions in society. In the public sector, platforms are a way to improve public service delivery and solve increasingly “wicked” problems that characterize societies today (Head 2008; Hautamäki & Oksanen 2018; Janssen & Estevez 2013; Layne & Lee 2001; Bertot et al. 2010). Aided with information technology, public agencies can derive insights from a critical mass of citizens through platforms and improve citizen participation, transparency, policy design, and political legitimacy (Prpić et al. 2015; Taeihagh 2017; Voorberg et al. 2015; Bason 2010; Needham 2008; Christensen et al. 2015).
Platforms will transform public sector innovation, but how they are implemented and managed can introduce various risks. Platforms can diminish accountability, reduce job security for individuals, widen the digital divide and inequality, undermine privacy, and can be manipulated by crowds (Taeihagh 2017b; Loukis et al. 2017; Hautamäki & Oksanen 2018). Fragmentation among multiple platforms and the difficulty of attracting sufficient of citizen participation may also undermine platforms’ effectiveness (Hautamäki & Oksanen 2018; Janssen & Estevez 2013). Furthermore, countries without strong governance mechanisms and property rights to attract the required capital investments may face challenges in building platforms (Taeihagh 2017b). Currently, studies have yet to evaluate the extent to which platforms improve public service outcomes (Voorberg et al. 2015).
More recently, governments have experimented with blockchain-enabled platforms in areas such as e-voting, digital identity and storing public records (Cheng et al. 2017; Swan 2015; Wolfond 2017; Hou 2017). Blockchain's distributed, open and immutable nature offers many benefits for governments, including greater transparency, reduced corruption, greater efficiency and increased citizen participation (Ølnes et al. 2017). However, governments need to mitigate blockchain’s emerging risks such as security vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, and conflicts resulting from governance challenges (Li et al. 2017; Trump et al. 2018; Mattila & Seppälä 2018). Also, more research into the organisational changes in the public sector to accommodate blockchain-enabled applications and platforms is required (Ølnes et al. 2017).
This panel welcomes papers that explore IT-mediated platforms’ implications for the public sector. Key research questions to be addressed are:

 ·    Theoretical, conceptual or empirical studies that evaluate the effects of IT-mediated platforms on public service delivery and analyse how these platform activities affect the perceived political legitimacy of governments.

·    Examining the different types of challenges and risks that arise from adoption/implementation of IT-mediated platforms for public service delivery and the governance strategies to address these risks.

·    Analysis of the roles of different actors in influencing policy outcomes through participation in platforms and at different stages of policy making.

·    Theoretical and conceptual analysis of how IT-mediated platforms contribute to policy learning to improve public service delivery.

·    Examining the different types of platform governance structures in blockchain, their risks and unintended consequences (e.g. coordination challenges), and the organisational, administrative and institutional changes in the public sector to accommodate blockchain-enabled platforms.

·    Single and comparative case studies across different countries, sectors and types of IT-mediated platforms (e.g. blockchain, sharing economy, crowdsourcing


Abstract submission deadline 30 January 2019

More details about T02P14 - IT-Mediated Platforms and the Public Sector: Applications of Sharing Economy, Block-chains and Crowd-sourcing can be found at the ICPP Panel list below:

 I hope you will join us for a stimulating set of presentations at ICPP4.


Araz Taeihagh (DPhil, Oxon)
National University of Singapore 

469B Bukit Timah Road
Li Ka Shing Building, Level 2, #02-10
Singapore 259771


Twitter:  @arazTH





Bason, C. (2010). The innovation ecosystem. In (Ed.), Leading public sector innovation: Co-creating for a better society. : Policy Press, Retrieved 24 Oct. 2018
Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P. T., & Grimes, J. M. (2010). Using ICTs to create a culture of transparency: E-government and social media as openness and anti-corruption tools for societies. Government information quarterly, 27(3), 264-271.
Cheng, S., Daub, M., Domeyer, A., & Lundqvist, M. (2017). Using blockchain to improve data management in the public sector. Digital McKinsey
Christensen, H. S., Karjalainen, M., & Nurminen, L. (2015). Does crowdsourcing legislation increase political legitimacy? the case of avoin ministeriö in Finland. Policy & Internet, 7(1), 25-45. doi:10.1002/poi3.80
Hautamäki, A., & Oksanen, K. (2018). Digital Platforms for Restructuring the Public Sector. In Collaborative Value Co-creation in the Platform Economy (pp. 91-108). Springer, Singapore.
Head, B. W. (2008). Wicked problems in public policy. Public policy, 3(2), 101.
Hou, H. (2017, July). The application of blockchain technology in E-government in China. In Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2017 26th International Conference on(pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Janssen, M., & Estevez, E. (2013). Lean government and platform-based governance—Doing more with less. Government Information Quarterly, 30, S1-S8.
Layne, K., & Lee, J. (2001). Developing fully functional E-government: A four-stage model. Government information quarterly, 18(2), 122-136.
Li, X., Jiang, P., Chen, T., Luo, X., & Wen, Q. (2017). A survey on the security of blockchain systems. Future Generation Computer Systems.
Loukis, E., Charalabidis, Y., & Androutsopoulou, A. (2017). Promoting open innovation in the public sector through social media monitoring. Government Information Quarterly, 34(1), 99-109. doi:10.1016/j.giq.2016.09.004
Mattila, J., & Seppälä, T. (2018). Distributed Governance in Multi-sided Platforms: A Conceptual Framework from Case: Bitcoin. In Collaborative Value Co-creation in the Platform Economy (pp. 183-205). Springer, Singapore.
Needham, C. (2008). Realising the potential of co-production: negotiating improvements in public services. Social policy and society, 7(2), 221-231.
Ølnes, S., Ubacht, J., & Janssen, M. (2017). Blockchain in government: Benefits and implications of distributed ledger technology for information sharing.
Ølnes, S., & Jansen, A. (2017, September). Blockchain Technology as s Support Infrastructure in e-Government. In International Conference on Electronic Government (pp. 215-227). Springer, Cham.
Prpić, J., Taeihagh, A., & Melton, J. (2015). The fundamentals of policy crowdsourcing. Policy & Internet, 7(3), 340-361.
Swan, M. (2015). Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
Taeihagh, A. (2017a). Crowdsourcing: a new tool for policy-making? Policy Sciences Journal, 50(4):629-647
Taeihagh, A. (2017b). Crowdsourcing, Sharing Economies and Development, Journal of Developing Societies, Vol 33(2): 191–222. DOI: 10.1177/0169796X17710072
Trump, B. D., Wells, E., Trump, J., & Linkov, I. (2018). Cryptocurrency: Governance for what was meant to be ungovernable. Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(3), 426-430.
Voorberg, W. H., Bekkers, V. J., & Tummers, L. G. (2015). A systematic review of co-creation and co-production: Embarking on the social innovation journey. Public Management Review, 17(9), 1333-1357.
Wolfond, G. (2017). A Blockchain Ecosystem for Digital Identity: Improving Service Delivery in Canada’s Public and Private Sectors. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(10).

CALL FOR PAPERS - Research Workshop on (Re) Imagining Policy Tools: New Directions in Theory and Practice




Research Workshop on

(Re) Imagining Policy Tools: New Directions in Theory and Practice

Yonsei University Seoul

March 15-16, 2019



 M Ramesh and Araz Taeihagh, National University of Singapore,

Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University, Canada,

M. Jae Moon, Yonsei University, Korea


The recent proliferation of interest in policy design years has reignited interest in the analysis of policy tools. Not only are new tools and new tool hybrids such as nudging and co-production being (re)discovered and new areas of application of old tools being found, such as crowd-sourcing and co-design, but older tools are also being used in new contexts, such as advisory commissions and information provision. It is time to survey and compare these developments and (re)contextualize them within the existing literature on substantive and procedural policy instruments and policy design. 

The workshop will address and provide information on topics including:  

1.             The extent of “newness” of policy tools like nudges and crowd-sourcing vis a vismoretraditional tools like information provision and public participation;

2.             The nature and uses of “procedural tools” in general and their role in contemporary policy designs;

3.             Issues around “policy mixes”,  including those related their nature as well as issues concerning their evolution and processes such as sequencing, layering, stretching and patching;

4.             “Tool calibrations” in all their various dimensions, including their design implications and how they affect policy change;

5.             The nature of the “mechanisms” that tools activate in order to affect target behaviour: that is, better understanding why tools actually 'work' and why they are complied with;

6.             Empirical evidence on administrator, public and political behaviour around choices of policy tools; 

7.             The nature of tool’ “volatility” or the likelihood and ease with which a tool or mix can be gamed/violated by targets or implementors and its design implications;

8.             The relationship between tools and “platforms”: that is, specific kinds of ‘meta-tools’which are open-ended and multi-functional and provide the foundation for the use of other more directed tools.

Proposals from all disciplines, approaches and perspectives are welcome, so long as they shed new light on critical aspects of policy tools. Novelty, creativity, and rigour will be the main criteria for selecting proposals.High quality papers will be selected for publication as a special issue in an international journal, to be identified after proposals have been reviewed. 

A limited number of travel grants to cover the cost of economy-class travel and accommodation will be provided. 

Please send proposals (500 words) along with authors’ names, institutional affiliations, Email, and list of relevant publications to IlJoo Park at no later than November 30, 2018.

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CALL FOR PAPERS Special issue of “Regulation and Governance” on The Governance of Emerging Disruptive Technologies



Special issue of “Regulation and Governance”


The Governance of Emerging Disruptive Technologies


Convenors: Araz Taeihagh, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, National University of Singapore and Simon Fraser University, Canada


Recent emerging technologies -- such as autonomous vehicles, autonomous weapon systems, blockchain technology, ridesharing, the Internet of Things – have triggered changes that are threatening existing markets, social and political orders. The heightened pace of these emerging technological innovations poses serious challenges to governments, which must cope with the disruptive speed and scope of the transformations occurring in many areas of social life. 


While these new technologies offer opportunities for improvements to economic efficiency and quality of life, they also generate many unexpected consequences and pose new forms of risks. Government responses to emerging/disruptive technologies must consider citizen’s safety, privacy, and security as well as protection of their livelihood and health. But regulating and governing these technologies is challenging due to the high level of technological and economic uncertainty that surrounds them and their deployment. This situation is aggravated in most instances as the beneficiaries of these technologies – the investors, producers and users – do not bear the costs of their risks, transferring them instead to the society at large or to governments. And this situation is made even more difficult as many traditional policy tools – such as regulations, taxes, and subsidies – may not be as effective in new areas as in more established sectors because their use requires more information and stability than is often available to governments as new technologies and business models proliferate. 


To enhance the benefits from these novel technologies while minimizing the adverse risks they pose, governments around the world need to better understand the scope and depth of the risks posed and design and establish regulatory and governance structures which effectively deal with these challenges. The special issue addresses these and other relevant aspects of governing emerging disruptive technologies including policy design strategies for facilitating positive socio-technical transitions and policy capacity building to address the challenges these technologies bring.


We are interested in papers with wide implications and impact on theories of regulation, governance and public policy. We are interested not only in problem-focused papers but also papers that deal with the public/governmental/regulation and governance responses to these challenges. Key issues to be covered in the issue include:


·       Detailed studies of the risks, uncertainties and unintended consequences new technologies pose to economies and societies;

·       Comparative and case study examination of the diverse types of governance responses taken to date to address the risks posed by these technologies;

·       Theoretically informed empirical studies of the new regulatory strategies, institutions and discourses emerging as a response to new technologies around the globe and their fit with current orthodoxies of regulatory governance;

·       Analysis of the (in)efficacy of traditional approaches to regulating and governing disruptive technologies and of the experiences of government with new approaches;

·       Examinations and analysis of the relations between new technologies with incumbent industries in various domains and the role of actors such as technological and instrument constituencies in improving or exacerbating policy and regulatory designs and governance.


The Call for Papers is open to all disciplines, approaches and perspectives and we welcome theoretical and empirical papers using diverse qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches to the topics listed above as well as upon other relevant issues related to the subject. 


Please send proposals (500 words) along with authors’ names, institutional affiliations, and list of relevant publications to Araz Taeihagh at no later than September 30, 2018.



call for papers regulation and governance The Governance of Emerging Disruptive Technologies.png